Gaining  Weight as You Age is Not a Problem


One thing that can never be erased and will always be part of living is change. Biologically speaking, it is very true as humans (both sexes) undergo age. As we live longer, various changes occur in our body. Some we like. Some we curse. In puberty and early adolescence, we like how our bodies start to shape showing off those nice curves. We like how we get all lean and muscled within just a few days of total workout. We like how our facial features become more masculine or feminine.

But as more birthdays and new year’s come, the things that, for some time, became our vainglories, are now becoming disappointments to us. And we start looking at the mirror and we hate what we see. Everything seems to be either piling up or falling down. Fats pile up in our once flat and muscled bellies. Some are falling down from our arms and just a little above, our faces seem to be falling too! What we see does not just disappoint us but at the same time, worries and stresses us too.

Gaining weight as we age is inevitable. Unless you want to counter science and biology, there is nothing you can do but accept that fact. Our bodies are composed of bones, tissues (muscles and organs), fats and water. As we reach our mid life at around 30, our bodies start to deplete muscle tissue and fats start to build up rapidly. Reason why, a lot of obese or those experiencing weight issues are men and women over the aged of 30. But that future is a choice.

Acceptance of this given fact of gaining weight as we age is not defeat in itself, but rather freedom. We need to accept that in the coming years, we will definitely gain a little bit of fat here and there, but proper diet and lifestyle never gets old in doing the magic.

As you age, keeping a keen eye in what you eat is very important. Since slower metabolism goes along with aging, it is wise to limit or better yet cut off your intake of fatty and high fructose foods. Rather eat more fruits and vegetables. Do away with junk food as well. Also, exercise is something that should always go along with a proper diet. Since your muscle tissue is depleting and weakening, it is good to strengthen those that your body is still somehow producing. Cardiovascular exercise is also a good idea since fat production is not just targeted to overthrow your muscles but invade your organs as well, surrounding them.

Recent studies also show that a healthy and active lifestyle, free from smoking and alcohol and doing more proactive activities help a lot in maintaining a good weight and healthy body. And one more important thing to add is good stress management. Follow all these things and gaining weight will not be a problem to you. Remember that it’s more than just taking good care of how your body looks, but how your body is. Health is what matters most now as you balance your weight as you age.