The Meaning of Aging Gracefully – Best Tips and Advices

Aging gracefully explained

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery explained that the phrase ‘aging gracefully’ is oftentimes utilized as euphemism. We may use this phrases to mean that someone is showing signs of senior years, yet they are still moving forward with life or sometimes, we may imply that they’re looking old and they’ve accepted it. This seems like a negative connotation for others as we’re actually describing people who aren’t pretty like they were before.

So what’s the message behind this? The society suggest that wrinkles aren’t good. Saggy skins are ugly. Gray hairs aren’t fab. Guys, this is not right. Let’s stop hating aging!

The concept of aging gracefully does not just focus on the negative sides of appearance and age, but the way people overcome each stage of their life.  Others prefer to use this term to describe people who choose to embrace their aging look rather than go under the knife.

How Should You Live To Grow Old Gracefully?

Aging may be inevitable, but there are several ways you can do it gracefully and productively such as:

Exercise. Exercise. Exercise

Exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease and lowers blood pressure. Also, it strengthens the bones, heart, and lungs, as well as promotes flexible joints, more energy, improved balance, strong muscles, and reduced anxiety, depression, and stress. So, always integrate some exercises into your daily routine.

Eat nutritious foods

You should eat a well-balanced diet. Opt for foods that are rich in fiber. Reduce processed carbs and refined sugars while increasing veggies and fruits. This way, your body will get more minerals and vitamins it needs for an improved body function.

Be meticulous on your food. If you can’t really afford to break off from fast food for your breakfast, then you have to be at least to be picky on the foods that are presented on the menu.  You have to despise   side orders such as fries and brownies and other foods that teem with calories.  There are many restaurants that beckon you for healthy breakfast.  You might want to look for wheat bagel and fruits.

Keep hydrated

One easy and effective way of keeping young is to drink enough water – about 8 glasses a day. This will prevent wrinkles, dry skin, plus ensure supple and soft nails, skin, and hair. What’s more, water will keep your digestive system and organ functioning efficiently.

Get a good sleep

There’s no doubt that mind is at its best when you have a good night’s rest. However, when you sleep, it also allows to recap and review the things you’ve learned to retain better thing for the near future.

Moreover, Academy of Sleep Medicine emphasized that there’s a significant link between major depression and lack of sleep.  As a matter of fact, their findings suggest that six hours of sleeping or even less than that every night is a primary factor for depression.

It doesn’t just end there.  The timing and duration of your sleep schedules are also related with your thoughts, be it positive or negative.  In other words, sleeping late and not sleeping for a long time will expose you more to depression.

Therefore, not getting enough sleep means being prone to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Hence, 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is very important. While sleeping, our brain clears out the detritus, our organs clean, rest, and reset, and our muscles rebuild. A good night sleep is a necessity for feeling young and keeping healthy.

Protect your skin

Take protective measures to take care of your skin by restricting the use of hats, protective clothing and sunscreen, tanning salons, sun beds, and exposure to the sun. These will not only help you achieve a fresher look but fight cancer and wrinkles too.

Broaden your horizons and multiply your friends

Be surrounded by people as they can be your gateway for a less lonely, younger, and happier life.

Take care of your mental health

Once you reach the middle age, remove the emotional luggage that gives you stresses. Why not plan for routines, activities, or hobbies? Sounds interesting! Plan with family and friends and let that burden release from your inner self.

If possible, re-wire your brain through using positive affirmation. Many may ask the effectiveness of this technique, well it is effective as long as you believe on it. Perhaps you don’t have control over your emotions specifically the negative one including anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and many more but you have optimal power to control your thoughts.

You may be drowning yourself into the negative circumstances of your past, or worrying about the future, and you just act according to your emotions. What is the effect? No good.

To reverse this and make the most in every facet of your life, you must first be aware about what is running in your head. Have a list of positive statements as many as possible to reverse those negative thinking, communicate this to yourself consistently in a daily basis.

Don’t forget to visit your doctor

This is another essential tip to keep healthy and happy. As you age, you must continue getting checkups on a yearly basis. Let your doctor know all the vitamins, natural remedies, and medications you are taking. They have more knowledge on this, so always seek their professional help.

Keep a positive attitude

When it comes to aging, it is believed that we are what we think we are. Thus, always practice a positive outlook on life. Think of your age as a way to satisfaction and knowledge. By doing so, you’ll likely pull through incapacity.

Learn to identify what you love

It is believed that when you are in a state of love, you are in your most pure self. Therefore, you need to think over your life, from what you have remembered you were a child until today. During the process, you can ask you self of what things, people or activities you are inspired and happy doing so. There you will realize that throughout your life, you have or have not done the things you really love to do.

It is important that you are into things you deeply love, for it will surely give you the happiness and contentment you have been yearning for.

Be able to discover or explore what brings you joy

You are definitely at you most true self when you are in state of delight, meaning you are satisfied to whatever or whoever makes you happy. What makes you smile, laugh or feel giddy is a pure reflex that comes from a deep part of you.

For you to discover what brings you joy and happiness in life, you can look back and think about the things, people or activities that have inspired you to have an enormous feeling of pleasure within you. Joy or happiness is a feeling caused by a desirable things you had or events that you encountered throughout your life, without realizing that it where your true self comes out.

Incorporate joy and love into daily life

The moment you have identified what inspires joy and love in you, you can now proceed the next, natural step, which is to experience such things as often as you can. By doing so, you will be able to connect into the core authentic self on a daily basis. Moreover, you can now create an environment by why you are now living your life as your true self all the time. There are no shortcuts in this step, if it does not work today, take so much patience, soon you will realize that you are now operating as the real you.

Share your joy and love to others

Since you are now living in accordance with your core seal, it only implies that living in the outward expression of whom you really are is possible. From there, you can already consider how are you going to include others to benefit from what brings you joy and love. Remember that everyone has always the power to influence other people around us.

Now that you found what makes you happy, it will be easy for you to share or inspire other people also to make the right choices life, in which bring pure happiness and satisfaction within self.

Do not compare your accomplishments to your colleagues or friend’s accomplishments.

Once you keep on comparing your achievements or accomplishments to others, you might just end up feeling inadequate. Your friend’s accomplishments are not like litmus tests that will grade how much you have achieved. Whenever you find yourself is in this mental pattern, just the think that everyone is at his/her own journey taking and so yours, is probably different.

If you do, you will eventually find yourself successful both in your professional and personal life without following what others do, instead following what works for you or what makes you feel satisfied.

Improve your overall health and make a huge difference in the quality of your life through these things!

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