Top Reasons Why Your Back Hurts

Did you know that eight out of ten people say that heir back hurts at some point in their lives? There’s no doubt that you would also say the same thing. Back pain is absolutely one of the most common issues that people complain about physically. Although back pain is not a disease in itself, it can signify many things. What is it and what is your body trying to tell you when your back hurts? This article will give information on the top reasons why your back hurts.

back pain

The back consists of the bones of your spine, the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that hold them together with the pelvis. There are a lot of major nerves arranged like a web in your spine. Our major internal organs also lie under our backs. So you see, back pain can mean a number of things. Doctors, researchers, and even orthopedists have stated that symptoms of back pain may not necessarily mean that it is merely your back that hurts. Upon check up, the doctor will most likely ask you about the location of the pain. Your answer is the best clue as to what is the cause. You may point to your buttocks, hip, groin, or your upper or lower torso.

Mechanical Sources of Pain

Disc pain is quite common in aging, but it doesn’t mean that you should take it for granted. It happens when one of the cartilages in the disc cracks. It is caused by heredity, sudden trauma, or the natural wear and tear of our body. When the disc bulges or pushed out of place, the shock absorbers inside the cartilage ruptures or slips out which gives rise to what we call herniated discs. Another type of disc pain is brought about by the degenerative disc disease. This also comes with age as the disc loses most of its water content and versatility. This can lead to herniated discs and osteoarthritis.

Another source of back pain is the facet joint pain where facet joints are affected after one or two of the nerves that supply them becomes pinched or inflamed. You may also have heard of the sciatic never. It is a nerve that runs from the lower spine and extends into the leg. It is always watched out for when intramuscular injections are given. Once is compressed due to disc pushed out, the individual will experience shooting pain. This particular kind of pain is called sciatica. Extremely painful, it extends from the lower back, the leg, and the buttocks.

Workouts are good, but too much of it can be bad for one’s health too. Extreme lifters can attest to that as some may have already experienced muscle or ligament strain due to heavy lifting. Lower back pain is common in muscle and ligament strain as the lower part of the back gets the most pressure when you’re lifting. This is why we should also be careful when we decide to do intense workouts.

When your back hurts, it can also mean that you have spinal stenosis. Arthritis causes the spinal canal to become narrow. Its impingement on the nerves results to back pain.

Other Sources of Back Pain

In women, fibromyalgia is a common cause of back pain. It is actually not an abnormality in the structure, but rather a disturbance in the way the body processes the mechanisms of pain. It can be quite strange, but in fibromyalgia, the individual becomes hypersensitive to the pain sensation. To add to that, they also do not have enough mechanisms to stop the progress of pain.

As we age, our spongy cartilages lose their flexibility and elasticity. They also become thinner which leads to osteoarthritis. Because the bones recognize the degeneration of our cartilages, it compensates by producing osteophytes or extra ridges of bones. These bone spurs rub against each other which cause pain.

Back pain may also occur as a symptom of an underlying complex condition. When back pain is associated with a history of cancer, or when it accompanied by unexplained weight loss, fever, or loss of bladder or bowel control, the cause of your back pain may be serious. When it progresses at night, it is best to consult your doctor.

There are a lot of causes of back pain, but sometimes, even the healthcare provider cannot point it out. About 85% of back pain cases have idiosyncratic causes. Whatever the case may be, we still have to give our back the attention that it needs. If we look at our body closely, the back actually holds it together. We need to take care of it because of the support that it gives to our whole structure.

To maintain good strength and optimum flexibility, do aerobic exercises at least 3 to 5 times a week. People with poor physical condition are at a high risk for back injuries. Maintaining an efficient and customized exercise program is an important key in having a healthy and strong back. People who exercise daily have a high level of fitness and are less likely to experience back pains.

Back pains are not inevitable. They are absolutely preventable. By taking the proper measures, you will be able to reduce your chances of experiencing back pain. Small changes can come a long way. As long as you take care of your bodies, you can prevent suffering from back pains as you get older. Maintain a good posture. Eat a well-balanced diet. Manage a regular exercise routine.

It is important to give attention to taking appropriate measures to ensure that you can live your life to the fullest. Something as simple as back pain can disrupt your career, affect your family life, and cause daily stress. If you are experiencing back pain and it progresses as the days go by, you should consult your doctor or physical therapist. Early detection can come a long way. Talk to them for appropriate recommendations and professional advice for you to maintain a healthy lower back and good shape.